About Me

Just a reporter getting used to a new set of interviewees and strange things that need to be reported.

Thursday 18 October 2012

Emily Allenby

Emily and I are staying in the house we found as sanity goes out to scout the area and grab more food, as Emily and I don't trust it. Well, INSANITY dislikes it and sanity would rather eat worms and bugs than eat dog flesh, but he is a dog person. Emily? She doesn't want to it eat it unless she has no choice. I think she is a dog person too...

Anyway, we alone and she was getting bored from doing some maths on her tablet (She was really bored of the books she had on the thing and her games too) and so she asked about what I did before I was a proxy. studying to be a reporter, I remembered the conversation well, so here is a quick transcript:

Em - So, where did you study and what did you want to do?
Me - I was studying Journalism in Monash Uni. Do you know that place?
Em - Maybe. Universities are in different places but with the same name, so I have no idea.
Me - I just noticed this, but you're awfully mature for your age.
Em - ....

At this point I pulled my laptop up, got this all done and told Em that I wanted to interview her, get her story.

The poor thing, her blond hair in twin ponytails today, her green eyes close to tears and her lips were trembling. She is about to speak about her past possibly for the first time... and she agrees that I can post this all afterwards.

Here, I'll let her write down why she want's to share her story.

Emily -
While we were at home, the wooden girl monster would make me a puppet. I could not do anything, other than do as she wanted me too. All the things I said before on posts and comments, I'm sorry. Since we left and Lyron has been looking after me, I think I should tell everyone why daddy was mean to me, because like Mitch said in his first post, he hurt me a lot.

Okay, She wanted to write more but the poor thing is in tears. I'll just transcribe for her as she tells me. And after hearing her story, I added this here but I didn't force this one her. She wanted to tell someone, and she wanted it on here, for her own reasons. She won't tell.

"When I was eight, Mummy died. Daddy would always drink after that. One day, I think a month after Mummy left, I dropped the beer bottles I was putting away for Daddy. He started yelling at me. And then he hit me. Every time I did something wrong, he would hit me. Then one time he got really really drunk, and then he came into my room and woke me up. He pulled me out of my bed, bent me over and then I thought he was going to hit me again, because he was trying to undo his belt. He hits me with it, sometimes. This time he didn't hit me, but pulled his pant's down."

She stopped there and won't say much through her tears. I shall finish her story for her from what I learnt from her over these few days (or is it weeks? Time flies over me now, I've lost my sense for it).

She suffered  three years of this abuse. She never left the house since the abuse started, her father had moved them to an old house in the middle of now where. She just vanished from records, from what I gathered. Her father wasn't stupid enough to not use protection, thankfully. A week before she met Mitch, her life went from Hell to the Pits of Hell. The Wooden Girl decided she wanted to conduct things. And then she was lost in a city, which we all know now as The Empty City. Later on, the Wooden Girl picked her up and made her dance for sanity and oh god Emily and I are bawling tears. Im hugging her as I type this.

This story was Emily Allenby and how the Fears traded her life in Hell for a far more dangerous one.. I hope for her sake we find her a home away from home so she doesn't have to deal with this again.


I know that wasn't really an interview, but still, Emily's story... I'm scared for her. I'm scared for you runners, both human and proxy. Yes. Even the proxies that are hurt. I feel sorry for you all. I just hope that one day, I can get your stories, and share them for you as I learn with you, laugh with you and cry with you. I just hope They let us do so.

After this business in Dogscape, and we find our way back through the many Doors/rifts/rips (It looks like a Door, but INSANITY and sanity say the other and Emily thinks we are all insane, even the Dying Man) back to our world (I would break down if we got lost and ended up in an alternate reality) , I'm going to be taking a little break from Australia. Heck, sure I'm made what I am just to cull the Aussie runners, but surely I should be able to contact other people overseas.

There is something I want to do, a little back story of mine that needs to be finished.

So yeah... I think that's enough from me now... both Emily and myself have something off our chests now... Her story and my worries. I'll post anything else important that INSANITY can't know here, so check Insanation of Sanity (I really need to inquire further on such a name for a blog.) for updates.

And if you are reading this INSANITY... well actually I can't do shit all to you, even if I could fight, I know you will use sanity against me. Just don't kick the wounded, please. If you read this, I beg you leave them alone.

With that, I leave you my lovely readers.

P.S. I love not having to sign comments and posts anymore.


  1. Well, this might be constructed as somewhat an emotional tale, but I seem to lack the ability to sympathize with humans. Robert has asked me not to interact with blogs all that much, but I just wanted to say that.

    Knowing Insanity(from his blog) I would say that he really couldn't give a damn about you or Emily...if he chooses to "kick you" then it is happening no matter how much you beg.

    Don't get attached to people Lyron, it will hurt you later.

    1. What? Robert? Weren't you with Grant, Scape and Co.?

    2. Only because they saved me, it's not like that will be enough to cut my ties to Robert.
